lunedì 9 agosto 2010

Just venting

Fuck you!!!!

That's what I would like to scream in the faces of all those assholes who behave as they were the most important people in the world. Who have never had any education or have forgotten it along the road. Who just comand you around instead of asking. Who never felt the vibrations of the word please on their lips.
All those who can just say "I always get upgrades", "I have travelled the whole world", "Get me the manager".

Fuck you!!!!

To all those pretentious pricks who treat you as their personal slaves and have no respect whatsovere for you and others around them. To all those who think that money is the key to everything. To all thos who pretend just because they can. Who arrive at 7 am demanding a room but won't leave the hotel before 6pm.

Fuck you!!!!

To all those that we will never be able to say right into their faces without losing our jobs.
Read it in our eyes while we smile and ask you how we may assist you:

Fuck you!!!!