You know which is one of the most haunted places on earth? The hotel reception of course!
The ghost, or sometimes ghosts, roaming our workplace are a weired bunch. They do not want to scare you to death. No, they take their pleasure from moving objects around. Or from making them disappear.
Have you ever needed a pen but suddenly there was none to be found? You were sure you had plenty just a minute ago, weren't you?
You need some scrap paper? A stapler? A city map? You look frantically around you. Nothing... When finally you find them on the other side of the reception and asked who moved them: Nobody!
Doesn't this make shivers run down your spine?! Nobody touches anything but things continue to disappear only to surface again in the oddest places. When you're lucky that is... Once it happened to me that an important report vanished never to be found again! And of course nobody even went near it. One moment it was on the desk, the next... puff!
So forget English castles, cemeteries or abandoned houses. The place with the most paranormal activity is without a doubt in hotels!
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