martedì 25 maggio 2010


Have you ever had a relationship with one of your work colleagues?
Many of you will say "No, are you crazy?!" I simply ask you "Why?"
Let me tell you this: It is a great thing if you work in the same company but in different offices/departments. You have the same boss, but you will face different problems, challenges, tasks while running into each other during the day. Wha better ccasion to share a wink and a smile? You will be able to sneak in the occasional kiss or caress. Meaningful smiles and looks will appear on your face. You will be able to call each others office pretending to talk about work while just wanting to hear the other persons voice. Or how about spending lunch break together?
Personally I find it soothing that my girl is near me.
At home you will be able to discuss what happened at work and the other person will actually know what and who you are talking about. And after bitching a bit about coworkers and the management it is great to put those issues aside!
I firmly believe that it is a great thing. Just remember to remain always professional on the job (at least when others can see you).
Now you will insit that there are also downside to this situation. Well, of course there will be gossip about you. But there always is, so nothing new here. Same goes for discussions, fights, etc. It will only make you become closer.
The real risk is that seeing each other every day at work and at home, is that you might start taking the other person as granted, as someone who is always there in any case. The time you spend together at work is great but it is not the same as being just the two of you. So become inventive! You will have quality time together as well as decent quantity.
I suppose the greatest problem arises if you should break up one day. That is of course a real possibility, but you can deal with it as well. You can decide that you are mature enough to continue working in the same company together. You might decide that it is time to look for a new job. Actually it can be the motivation you were looking for to make a radical change!
I went through all of these steps and I wouldn't trade them for the world.

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