lunedì 3 maggio 2010


How else could I start this blog? Is there any more important word for people in hospitality?
I don't know how you got here. If you were directed to this page. If you stumbled on it by chance or overheared someone talk about it. It doesn't matter anyways. Welcome to everybody!
You might start wondering what this is all about. If there is a sense to it all... That, my dear friend, is all to see! On these pages you will find stories. True stories, funny stories. Probably some sad ones too. Maybe a few confessions, secrets unveiled. But most important of all it will allow you to have a look behind the scenes of a hotel. Things you never dared to ask. Things you never thought you might ask. Things you really don't care about. But they all come in a package!
So move on. Lean back, relax and start reading.

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